Buy, Sell & Rent Real Estate in Ethiopia

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Ethiopia: High-end Real Estate in High Demand causing dilemma for Low-cost Demands

Demand for residential houses in Addis Ababa has continued to rise over the past few years. More Ethiopians are relocating to town putting pressure on the government to satisfy the housing demands. Nevertheless, the private sector has really stepped into at least cater for some of the demand, especially demand for high-end residential houses. The private sector has been experiencing impressive steady...

Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa: perks and pitfalls

Addis Ababa the state capital of Ethiopia has an average populous of 3 million people; its area is roughly 203sq miles. The climate predominant in the area is subtropical though variations are present from highland to lowland regions. The city has a rich cultural heritage and has many beautiful sites to explore. The National Museum of Ethiopia is a marvelous place to begin unearthing the cultural roots...

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